The ignominious loss of the Norland Pubs.
We need a drink. Where shall we go. Oh dear there is not a lot around …
Where once the ward was a thriving oasis of pubs pints and parlay that has long gone and so have the buildings. Hardly a signpost remains to that glorious roadside British tradition.
Old timers remember the tales of the Prince of Wales. A drinkery of some distinction for the twilight world, it had two entrances. The one on Portland road and the other on Princedale road.
Local folklore recalls that a watch would be placed at either door. When the coppers were spotted, out the other entrance would sprightly flee the contraband and the villains! Those beautiful mullioned glass doors and windows were once a defining feature of the streets.
An old converted pub
Only two old style pubs now remain in Norland, the Stewart Arms and The Castle. Residents have been fighting hard to hold on to The Academy, you can do your bit by objecting, see next story.