Noise and nuisance team

You can telephone on 020 7361 3002 or email at

Rubbish collection days

Rubbish is collected on Tuesday & Friday mornings, or Monday & Thursday depending where you are in Norland. Double check by clicking here … bincollections

Parking permits

Telephone 020 7361 4381 or apply here … apply-residents-parking-permit

Norland Conservation Society

norlandconservationsociety Protecting and enhancing the Norland conservation area.

Clarendon Cross Residents Association The Clarendon Cross Residents Association (CCRA) is a non-political organisation run by volunteers, representing residents living in Clarendon Cross, Hippodrome Place, Hippodrome Mews, Portland and Princedale Roads, Penzance Place, Penzance Street, Prince’s Yard, Norland Place, Pottery Lane and Queensdale Road (north of Norland Square).

 The Association’s chief aims are to keep residents informed about local issues and events, represent the majority view of residents where appropriate, organise social events from time to time to enable residents to get to know each other and feel part of their community. It also helps to raise awareness of and support the work of local businesses and charities working within the community, encouraging a wider community spirit. If you would like to become a member please send an email for more information.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry

grenfelltowerinquiry The Grenfell Tower Inquiry was created to examine the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the fire at Grenfell Tower on the night of 14 June, 2017.

Norland Councillors

Julie Mills and David Lindsay

Local police

Ward Sergeant Jason May, Dedicated Norland ward officers Simon Lynwood & Kat Hafeez - Mobile No. 07342 029946 To report a crime when its happening always call 999 to report a less urgent crime 101. Specific webpage for more information & crime stats in Norland:

Report a problem

report-problem Useful for things like street lights not working etc

Kensington Society

kensingtonsociety The Kensington Society works to ensure that our part of London retains its heritage of buildings and parks alongside the best of contemporary architecture

Friends of Holland Park

Portland Road Practice, NHS GP surgery


Kensington Gardeners Club