Kensington Gardeners Club
Kensington Gardeners’ Club was founded in 1962, welcoming anyone with an interest in gardens, whether or not they have their own garden or live in the borough. Events include talks, a summer gardening competition and several garden visits throughout the summer months. The day trips are by coach leaving Kensington Church Street at 10am and returning at 6pm. In recent years there have also been overnight stays to see gardens centred in Suffolk, The Cotswolds, Northamptonshire, Dorset and Lincolnshire. The club hopes to resume these popular jaunts as soon as possible.
An idea of what the club offers is this list of events it held during lockdown, with a talk on garden bugs from Dr Ian Bedford and spring gardening advice from Dr. Walker. The club also ‘e-experienced’ American Gardens with botanist Dr Timothy Walker, visited The Times journalist Stephen Anderton’s beautiful garden in Wales and toured some Japanese gardens in a talk with Nancy Stevens.
Usually, KGC meets on a Saturday afternoon in the basement lecture theatre at Central Library in Hornton Street. These are friendly social events with gardening and garden appreciation as the focus. The membership fee for Kensington Gardeners’ Club is £15 per calendar year.
Members may attend all talks free of charge and may invite friends at a cost of £5. For future events please visit kensingtongardeners For more information about joining please contact Membership Secretary:
A Members garden