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 Re-turfing and planting for Holland Park

Re-turfing and planting for Holland Park

Works have begun in Holland Park to repair the flooding in the sportsfield and the pooling near the Design Museum. New grass is being resown along the central walk where the soil has been deeply compacted as a result of heavy footfall during the Pandemic. Just below the steps of Holland House the verges are also being repaired and grassed.

The parks have been a physical and mental lifeline these past months much visited by residents and beyond, so works to repair the wear and tear are welcome. Beds are being replanted, trees neatened while the beekeepers expand pollination stopovers for bees and insects.

Flooding in the sportsfield

Flooding in the sportsfield

The peacocks have been released, much to the delight of the little ones as they spread their divine feathers in an enviable display of courtship.

Park users have been very appreciative of the work that has gone into these public spaces by the gardeners, the park attendants, the cleaners and keepers and thank them for keeping these sanctuaries open, clean and pleasant despite the enormous maintenance challenges.

Golden Acacias Brightly Blooming

Golden Acacias Brightly Blooming

Lansdowne's cheerful hoardings

Lansdowne's cheerful hoardings