Your new Norland Noticeboard
Norland Noticeboard plans to bring you regular news on issues that will directly affect you and keep you up to date with local happenings from a number of sources.You can subscribe by adding your email address to the subscribe here box. We will also have a comments section for all your ideas, concerns and events. We would love to hear from you. Your privacy is assurred.
Improving Air Quality
We are adding electric car charging points and fining dirty cars and lorries
Like many Councils throughout busy urban areas, Kensington & Chelsea Council is prioritising improving air quality in Norland. We are all focussed on managing the toxic fumes and traffic buildup on Holland Park Avenue which is a main TfL thoroughfare into central London. The Council has already rolled out over forty lamppost charging points across the Borough to incentivise and accommodate the use of electric cars. Ward Councillors and residents also work add to insist all construction vehicles meet the latest emission standards and insist that KC penalises idling vehicles, enforces CTMPs, addresses abuse especially in streets with so many building sites, looks at overflow from Westfield shopping centre into Norland streets and continues to review how traffic is currently managed throughout the Ward.
Prioritising traffic calming measures, particularly along St James Gardens
Holland Park traffic
Some cars drive much too fast and use our narrow streets as rat runs. They can pose a threat to the children at the schools or those attending Norland's several centres of worship as well as the elders and families who walk around the central squares and their surroundings every day. Several meetings have been held with local residents/councillors and traffic officers who have deployed professional measuring devices to assess vehicle speeds. As a result of extensive monitoring the ward will see the implementation of traffic calming measures over the next few months. The Council is rolling out pilot schemes of 20 mph zones, to ensure that cars and lorries drive safely.
Protecting the character of Norland Ward
Norland ward houses
Three years ago, the then owners of the Academy wanted to change its use into an art gallery. Working closely with key local Resident's Associations, we helped to get the Academy listed as an Asset of Community Value. We are currently working both with the current owners and Residents' Associations to help pave the way for it to be opened, so that residents and others alike can enjoy this well-loved local amenity again.
Planning and Construction
We are determined to ensure that construction is sympathetic to it's surroundings and responsive to the requirements of residents.
Building works to be better controlled
We need to make sure that people have a right to improve their home but also that they stay within the parameters of considerate practice. We have already introduced new regulations to limit the impact of aggressive basement developments and stricter controls on construction traffic and noise pollution. We are currently piloting a new enforcement scheme to make it easy to report problems with a simple number to call when things go wrong.